
Please note that your use of OCDdrop signifies that you are in agreement with the provisions of this disclaimer.

The OCDdrop website was developed by the School of Medicine, University of Tasmania in 2009. OCDdrop was designed to help people reduce symptoms of OCD by providing an opportunity to learn behavioural strategies in a virtual environment. Although OCDdrop may help some people, OCDdrop staff do not claim that the program will be helpful for every individual.

Please note that the School of Medicine, University of Tasmania does not have the capacity to provide clinical advice or assistance if you require health or crisis services. If you need urgent medical or psychological assistance, please contact your local doctor/GP or other health professional, the emergency department of your local hospital, or call Lifeline on 13 11 14 (for Australian callers).

The screening questions used by OCDdrop are not designed to provide a diagnosis, but are intended to provide information to be used in research to evaluate the program. If you are feeling anxious or depressed we recommend that you talk to a health professional. Please note that the information on this web site is NOT a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by an appropriate health professional.

Where OCDdrop provides links or references to internet websites and other resources operated by third parties, these are provided for your convenience only and the School of Medicine (University of Tasmania) cannot be responsible for their content. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the materials supplied by third parties are accurate and reliable.

The World Wide Web is not a secure information network and, it is possible that a user’s transactions and usage may be viewed or monitored by third parties or that users may download files and documents that contain computer viruses or other contaminants that may effect the operation of the user’s computer as well as other systems, software, or data, linked with the user’s computer. The Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Tasmania is not responsible for any damage or interference to a user’s computer and property that may result from viruses or unauthorised third party activity.

The School of Medicine (University of Tasmania) shall have no liability for claims by, or damages of any kind, to a user of this website or any other person, for a decision or action taken in relation to this website.

I have read and agree to the terms listed above and consent for my data to be used for research purposes.